Apple Crisp Yumminess! ~

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Gravenstein Apples are
absolutely the BEST baking apples!
(One girl's opinion) ;)
I grew up on Gravenstein apples.  My Grandmother has a very old tree that still produces delicious apples.  In my mind, there is nothing like the smell of Gravenstein apples baking in the oven ~ yum!  

At the end of a nice visit yesterday, I was able to bag up a nice selection of "misfits" to bring home.  Apple Crisp is one of my favorite dishes and a perfect choice for apples with minor imperfections and bruises as you can cut around the bruises and use the remaining apple pieces.

Here's my favorite (and easy!) Apple Crisp Recipe (currently baking right now!) ~

Easy Apple Crisp

5 cups of apples (5 - 7 "good" apples or about 10 "imperfect")
1 cup of Bisquick
1 cup of packed brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1/4 cup of firm butter chopped into mini cubes

  • Heat oven to 375 degrees. 
  • Mix Bisquick, brown sugar, cinnamon and butter cubes together, then set aside. 
  • Clean, skin, and cut apples into small pieces then spread across a 9 x 13 glass dish or other baking pan. 
  • Cover with Bisquick mixture.
  • Bake for about 30 minutes. 
Enjoy a yummy smelling house and a delicious apple dish!

30 Days Creative - Step One...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Step one for me is easy... (Go ahead and say, "Get it together, Girl!")

Yes, step one is admitting that there is a problem and I am doing just that! 
Once I clear my desk (aka 8 foot plastic table), I will be able to work on the scrap room (need table space for sorting).  Here is a wee bit of proof that it is definitely needed!
Here's one area of storage that is currently home
to a few of my favorite things.

1) My Destiny and Tyler bears (barely visible)

2) My adorable "Modern Priscilla" framed magazine cover (very me!)

3) My Kelly Rae Roberts "Embrace Change" wall art

4) My super cute metal owl wall hanging!

But this area is more shameful!

(Dramatic music please!)

This is the school pix and papers file...

That's my son's preschool picture in the front...

He's now going into fifth grade... ouch!

Get it together, Girl (I know, I know) :)
Enjoy your day!

Kim Funk's Resume Service?

Good morning all ~ I hope today finds you well! :)

I have had a handful of friends (actually... I've had two handfuls of friends) approach me in the last month asking me if I still "do" résumés.  The truth is, all of the new résumé "rules" really threw me for a loop a while back. 

What do I mean by "rules"?  Well, the "experts" out there in the internet world have a variety of new suggestions and guidelines on what to do or not to do, what to include or not to include, how long it should be, etc.  Add all of the ways one should incorporate social media and social networking to the mix and it can be overwhelming!  It made me step back and really question whether I was producing a good quality product!  I would certainly never want to create a résumé that wasn't going to get a client (or moreover friend) the job!

The friends who have contacted me (thank you!) have made me realize that there is indeed still a need out there, so I'm determined to continue doing thorough research and take an online class provided in the industry to put myself in the position of being a great résumé writer again.

Once I do, I'll create a few formats, samples and a price list and then get to work!

I'll keep you posted!  Thanks again for your interest ~ it means a lot and of course is very flattering.

Have an exceptional day!

30 Days Creative ~

I love making creative boxes :)
I've decided to focus on being creative for the next month.  Anytime I'm approached to do something for someone else, I do it creatively, but it's been quite a while since I've tried to focus on creativity every day.  With that said, I've decided to challenge myself! 

For the next 30 days, I am going to focus on creating something every day.  This might be an in-depth article/post, but moreover, it will probably be something involving scrapbooking paper!

I looked around the scrap room the other day and noticed something.  There are a lot of crafty items sitting in bins or mini tubs on my shelves and... (gulp)... many items haven't been touched in the three years we've lived in this house!  There are also items that were supposed to go on the walls of the scrap room.  Things I absolutely adore and yet they... (gulp again)... are sitting on the floor or on a shelf - NOT on the wall! Thus the other reason for challenging myself!

By the time I am done with my challenge, I plan to have a few of the following goals checked off:

  1. The scrap room will once again be inviting and inspiring upon entry and my favorite things will be on display.
  2. My scrapbooking papers and other supplies will be organized and easier to access and I will have determined what items no longer have a home there (perhaps paper that I know I will never use, etc.!) and those items will be packed up and ready to be donated to one of the kids' schools.
  3. I will have closure on a few projects that I need to finish, or ones that I planned to tackle in days gone by.  Checking this item off the list would feel GREAT!  (Yes, that's a must!)
  4. The biggie is #4!  I am hoping this challenge will leave me feeling inspired and motivated and EXCITED about crafting again.  Maybe it will even lead me to a new business venture ~ one never knows, right?
Have you ever been in my place before?  I know some of you scrappers have been!  Feel free to join me in this challenge in any way shape or form!  Share your photos and thoughts with me!  A completed project, a great organization idea, etc.  I'd be happy to share them here on my blog.

Signing off now as I need to go pick a project for today!

Most of you know my slogan... "Do it creatively or not at all" ~ time for me to get to work!